Friday, November 13, 2009

This Week/Grandma and Grandpa Visit

Just pitiful!
Today Chloe was standing next to his crib on the ottoman trying to get in bed with him once he woke up from his nap. I gave in and let her in with him since they are getting to be such great friends.
They enjoyed it!
Jack likes his Elmo house shoes! For the record, they are size 5-6 and he has a little growing room. He also has another tooth coming in on the bottom. 2 total!

Wishing they could go out back

We had a great time with grandma and grandpa last weekend. It went by way too fast. We drove up into Indiana and through Louisville just to sight see.
Jackson slept forever on the morning that grandma and grandpa were leaving. He was so relaxed and sleeping good! I think he was trying to postpone their leaving.
We were driving around Fort Knox and came upon these soldiers with their guns pointed at us!
Nap time
Sitting outside

He finally woke up and they had to go once they told him bye.