Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To Blog or To Sleep

Tonight I finally chose blog! The reason I even have this thing is to keep track of our journey in the army, and to keep my family and friends informed on what is going on with us. So in several years when I want to look back on this year, I will probably be mad at myself for not being very detailed and consistent.

Anyway, so the army is being typical and we won't get orders until around September 1st (one month before we move). This is exactly what happened to us when we left Hawaii! We know for sure that we are going to Fort Benning Georgia and we know when. Jeremy has his work equipment scheduled for shipping and receiving (he is the shipper and receiver so we HAVE to be in Georgia on those dates). The main inconvenience with not having orders is that we can't schedule movers, fence removal, clear housing, apply for housing there, schedule TDY (10 days max there in a hotel to find a house), schedule leave, etc. It mainly hurts us on the personal level and doesn't really affect his job very much. 50 days from now we are leaving here to start over in a new town and we will just have to roll with the punches! I am very excited about Columbus, Georgia though. It is a larger town with lots to do and is right outside of post. It will be a fun 18 months of exploring the area! I think we are only 2 hours from Destin and I know for a fact it is 380 miles to Disneyworld. That was one of the first things I checked into! Another tempting aspect is that the Razorbacks are playing at Auburn this year and Auburn is only 20 minutes from Fort Benning. I'm pretty hopeful.

Jackson Update:
The almost 17 month old comedian that lives with us is doing great! I love him more every day and I think I probably kiss him too much. He is a smart, happy little man and he makes us laugh SO hard all the time. He learns new words daily. You never know what he will repeat perfectly.
Currently, he loves Yo Gabba Gabba and will bring you the remote control and ask for it. I'm having to limit the number of times a day he watches it. I'm trying to let him watch it once before bed, but his Daddy gives in sometimes and lets him watch it more. He loves playing outside with the water hose and in his pool. He also is loving the evening walks we take while he rides in the wagon. He has 16 teeth as far as I know, they're king of hard to count! Luckily he enjoys brushing his teeth as much as I will let him. He is still weighing in at about 29 pounds and is 31.5 inches tall. Size 8 shoe, I think we have one pair of size 7's that he can barely fit into still. 2t or 24 month clothes. He will eat anything, but loves peaches, cheese, chicken nuggets, watermelon, apples, eggs, spaghetti, ketchup, broccoli (cooked or raw with ranch) and juice. He still loves his bath time and naps once a day for around 2 hours. He sleeps at night for 11 hours straight unless he really needs something. We play outside every day when the weather lets us! This past week it has been so nice, especially compared to the heat and humidity we were having earlier in August. He is playing in the sprinkler below.

One of my favorite things he is doing right now is walking himself to his room for bedtime. All I have to do is ask if he is ready to go night night, and he grabs his blankie and walks to his room and gets in his rocker and waits for me to come put him to bed. It is so cute and sweet! He requires his sippy cup with milk just in case he gets thirsty :) and his pacifier. The paci is going bye bye soon, probably when we get to Ft Benning. Usually he has all 3 of these things in hand as he walks to his room. It is precious. I still hold him and rock him until he falls asleep. I know this may make it harder in the long run, as far as getting him to go to bed when he gets older, but I don't care. We both love our quiet time in his room before he goes to sleep and I know one day I will be glad that I took the time out to love on him while he let me.

The picture above was taken while he was talking on Skype with Grandma and Grandpa. He was showing them pictures.

1 comment:

Catherine Anne said...

Your little one is grwoing so fast, and as I can see finding all about his world around him. Love catching up with you~