Saturday, May 15, 2010

I have a blog?

I am finally back into blogging, but I am so behind on updating, I think I will just cover some things and then pick up with our current events. Thanks for being patient with me!

Bath time, what fun!

Jackson was a big boy at his one year appointment! He is always curious and wanting to get into everything in the room. I think he is trying to teach us a lesson, like don't bring me back to the doctor!

He turned 15 months old yesterday, the 20th of June. So far he says Car, Bird, Momma, Dadda, This (for juice) Who's That, ABCD, 123 (favorite is 3, he says it loud and proud), ice, cracker, bye, and zebra was his latest accomplishment. At his one year appointment he weighed 28 pounds and was 32 inches tall. He also had a great birthday party in Sheridan and he was worn out from all that attention! He was a very good boy and ate almost all of his mini cake. Thank you to everyone that came to his party. We really appreciate you coming to help us celebrate the little boy that we can't live without!

Skip ahead to May...

This year we spent Mother's Day in Kentucky. We cooked out and had a nice time at home. My gift was a laptop, which is enabling me to start blogging more (lets hope). Jeremy knew that I really miss being able to document things, and keep up with little man. At the rate he is growing and changing, I really don't want to forget the little things!

And now June....

Jeremy turned 30 on June 16th! I surprised him with a trip this past weekend to Belterra Spa and Resort in Indiana. Luckily it was only 80 miles or so from Fort Knox. He thought we were going to a movie, and had no idea our overnight bags were in the back! Finally I had to tell him where we were going because I kept "missing" exits to turn around and he was getting demanding :). The spa there was great. I had a couples massage scheduled for Saturday and it was so nice. I have never spent 2 night away from Jackson before, but he had a great time with his Nanna. By Saturday night I was missing him so badly. When we got home he wouldn't hardly look at me at first and that made me very sad!

I apologize if the pictures are too small in the collages! If you want to see them bigger you can click on the collage and it should open larger. I just had so much to cover and the best way to save on memory and time is to put them together.

Well believe it or not I am caught up! I promise to blog more! I have no choice, this is my way of remembering most of the things in our happy little life.

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