What a weekend we've had! Really it has been great since Friday evening. Friday started off really rough with the hospital here on post. I am NOT a fan of Ireland Army Hospital and we had to fight pretty hard for Jackson to be seen at the pediatric clinic. He is on medicine now, so hopefully these bumps or bites or chicken pox or whatever he has will be going away soon! He saw the head of pediatrics and he thinks Jack is having a reaction to some kind of bug bites or poison ivy. Who knows! By the way, at 15 months he is weighing in at 28.6 pounds and is 32 inches tall.
So after our 4 hour hospital fun we missed the organizational day that Jeremy's battalion was having. He worked so hard to help get it together and we showed up as they were pulling away from the park. The rest of the weekend was great. Saturday we went to Elizabethtown to get Jackson's first haircut!
His next reward was Chic Fil A with Hi C punch (he loves it) and then the park. We introduced him to lightning bugs and chased them til dark. These are the days I wish we had more of. I know when I look back on our time at Fort Knox, this is one of the days that will come to mind.
Our Sunday consisted of hanging out at home and cooking out, followed with watermelon. It was so nice having no agenda. Also I think Jackson is back on his schedule. He goes to bed now between 9:00 and 9:30 and sleeps until 8:30.
So that sums our weekend up...the laundry is caught up and the house is clean (until Taz wakes up :)). I guess we are ready to do it all again this week. We miss you family and friends. Goodnight!
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