Thursday, December 9, 2010

Subdivision Bandit

That is exactly what I felt like as I rolled out of our driveway tonight headed to Publix. Something about the black toboggan, gloves and scarf made me feel extra sneaky haha! This is probably going to seem strange to a lot of people, but I have developed a hobby/job out of couponing and getting stuff for free (legally and encouraged I promise). About every other day I am coming home with my sacks full of things we need at prices I never knew were possible. It started out as a way to save some money for our family here and there, and turned into a pretty good reserve of toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, pasta, crescent rolls, coffee mate, red potatoes, and cereal, to name a few. Its not that I have THAT much stockpiled, and its not THAT simple to do, but it works for me. I won't bore you with too many details, especially since most of my blog readers are in Arkansas and unfortunately there isn't a Publix, Rite Aid, or CVS there that I know of...but I am hopeful that by the time we move home (IN 17 MONTHS HALLELUJAH!!) that at least one of those stores will open up near me. Anyway the basics of my tricks are:
~~~You may want to skip over this part if it doesn't interest you :)~~~~

*Double coupons (at Publix they double all up to $1, and it seems like Kroger does too?) 

*Buy one get one free sales (most stores you don't have to buy 2 items, you can just buy one at half off
  then use a coupon on it)

*Using a manufacturer coupon with a store coupon  (all stores that I know of will allow one of each per item)
   Ex. Target has Suave Shampoo on sale for .89. They offer a coupon on their website for .75 off any Suave product. There is a coupon in the paper for .75 off a Suave product. Use both coupons ($1.50 total) and you just made .61 cents and got free shampoo.

*Register rewards. Every week at Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid they have products listed that when purchased, you get money towards your next purchase. If you can match coupons in the paper, with store coupons, and get money back I say why not!
  Ex. Crest toothpaste is 2.99 at Rite Aid. This week Crest (through Rite Aid) is giving $2 towards your next purchase when you buy Crest toothpaste. I have a $1 off crest coupon. So 2.99-1.00=1.99 out of pocket for me at first, but with my receipt prints up $2 towards my next purchase.

This is where you really rack up. Now you take that $2 and buy something else with it that has a reward, like Halls cough drops may be on sale for $2 but you get back $2. So you take your $2 that you earned, go put it towards the Halls cough drops (so you pay nothing) and you get another $2 back. This is just an example of course, and you can do much bigger transactions once you get comfortable with the system. Now every week I see what is free, I take my free money (register rewards) and buy what has more rewards, I roll it into the next week and only pay tax. Does this make sense?

*Mail in Rebates. I used to think they were a pain, but when you get something free and can submit for money back on top of free, I do it.

Those are the basics.  It may sound like a lot of trouble, but once you learn how, it is easy. Start small! It took me a week or 2 to get comfortable with how coupons work, but now I can not walk into Wal Mart and throw things in the buggy like I used to. We still buy things we need of course, but I have decreased our grocery bill by about 75% and other things such as toiletries, paper towels, cleaning supplies by 90%. I'm loving it because it also frees up some money for other things we want! Oh and by the way, stores don't mind this at all! They get reimbursed by the manufacturer, so the more the merrier.

So what have I been up to lately in my "spare" time? Now you know! That and taking care of my loves and vertigo. I have been SO dizzy and it isn't getting better so I have to see a doctor before we head to Arkansas. My right ear is in pain so I know that is whats going on and I think I need help!

On to the important stuff!

 Jackson made his first batch of cookies with me this weekend. We are just doing the simple ones until he is old enough to really help in the kitchen, in which case I too will "learn" how to make cookies from scratch. Maybe. Christmas cookies are just so cute so I got the ones with snowmen and Christmas trees, since he has started recognizing them everywhere and saying "snowmam and kreemusth-treeeeeee"

 Chloe isn't too fond of Jackson's entertainment. The boy loves stickers.

They are still buddies though, she follows him everywhere or he chases her.  

We have been spending quite a bit of our days indoors lately since it has gotten colder. I'm loving being with my baby, just hanging out in our pajamas and staying warm.
 Dad got him this tool bench and set for Christmas, so he has been a little handy man this past week.

Tomorrow we are going to the General's house to see Santa!

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