Sunday, February 22, 2009

35 Weeks and Seriously, Jeremy needs to hurry!

I know ya'll don't even have to say it....

I've had so many people tell me they don't think I'll make it to my due date. The doctor even told me we were going to have a big boy! I promise you, I haven't pigged out or anything. I really eat lots of salads and drink lots of water.I have seen pregnant women eat so much worse than I do! I guess I'm just meant to have a big baby. I weighed 9lbs and 13 oz when I was born so I guess it is just genetic who knows. We have had lots of birthday cake here lately but still!

So I never updated on my Dr. appointment the other day. She measured my belly and her eyes got huge! Apparently I went from average growth rate to above average. I grew 4 inches in 2 weeks. I was measuring at the 38 week mark :( which is 38 inches (not around it's way more than that of course, but 38 inches up and down). I know I have grown a lot, but she really confirmed it. Then she felt around my tummy and said he was still head down and pretty low, and again a good sized baby. At this point, if Jeremy would just get here I'm ready for this to be over with.

My friends at Mazzio's got together and had a shower for me tonight. We had fun and it was good to catch up with everyone. I am so thankful to have them!

Ashley getting into the baby bottle game

Mom too!

Brian was working anyway, so he got to hang out some

Chris, the manager at Mazzio's and a great long time friend!

Well, I still haven't heard from Jeremy but I am so hopeful that he is in the air headed back to Hawaii. There is really no telling where he is right now. I was expecting a call from Baghdad, but hopefully he didn't have time to call from there and he is already past that point.

Last night we were in Clarksville for Brian's gig, and I think my road tripping days are finished until after Jackson gets here. He did great and we had fun, but the riding and sitting really gets to me.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Hey! I don't have your phone number any more since I washed my cell phone in my jeans' pocket.....I need the address you want a baby gift sent to....Hope you all are doing well, and can't wait to see you all!!