Sunday, December 30, 2007

I'm so sorry I still don't have any pictures to post! I finally get internet at home on January 8th and I'll have some then. I talked to Jeremy today, they are all moved in at their post in Taji. He said it is pretty boring so far because they are taking over the jobs of guys from Fort Hood, TX and those guys haven't left for home yet. Jeremy's crew hasn't officially taken over so they have nothing to do really. They get internet sometimes at an internet cafe on post but he doesn't get to stay on for long. Also, I now have a contact number for him. You can call his cell (it is an Iraq number) any time. Please call me and I'll give you his number. He would love to hear from everyone. He gets free incoming calls but if you call him, the international rates apply on your end. I bought a phone card at You can get about 6 hours for $50.

I will be making this page a "private" site in a couple of days, since there is a lot of info about Jeremy in Iraq, etc. All this means is that you have to set up a password and sign in to read the page. It is really simple and I hope everyone still visits the site! I just didn't want strangers coming on here and reading about whats going on in Iraq. You never know what kind of information they are looking for. Also, this way I can post his mailing address and phone number. All family and friends please sign up and keep logging on!

We went to church today at First Baptist White Hall. Jeremy went here before he joined the army. Bob Harper is the preacher there and we really enjoy him. I was SO glad that we went because we got to see (sp?)Garrett Keedy(our cousin) go forward and accept Jesus into his heart. It was wonderful! We are very happy for you Garrett! We are going to start driving out to White Hall for church on Sundays because we like it so much. Mom, grandpa, and Brian had never been there until today.

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