Wednesday, March 18, 2009

And he doesn't have to leave me again!!

I should have updated by now, but I haven't been online! Jeremy is home and we are loving it. The past couple of nights we have been catching up with his family and our dogs. Chloe and Barney have pretty much forgotten that I exist, they only want attention from Jeremy.

My grandma, Jeremy's Papaw Louis, Jeremy, and me at the airport

The big news is that Jackson's birthday is Friday, March 20th at Baptist West Little Rock (2nd floor)! We are going in at 9:30 and my c-section is at 11:30. I wonder how much he will weigh? My dr says I am not dilated at all and with his size we don't need to wait on labor to start. Chances are we would wind up doing a c-section anyway. I am a little nervous about the surgery, but everyone says a scheduled c-section is easy because you don't go through labor. I am going to find out if they have wireless internet at Baptist. If so I will update sometime this weekend. We are staying until Monday. My hands are numb at this point and can be pretty painful off and on. On Monday night (Jeremy's first night home) I actually had some contractions! They kept me up almost all night and ouch I don't like them at all. I think I have lucked out though since those were my first real ones so far.

I am so sorry if we have missed your calls or texts. It has been VERY hard to keep up with, and with company and our weird sleeping schedule we have fallen behind. A lot has happened the past 2 days!

How sweet! Chloe and Ashley taking a nap :)


Ashley Scott...Oh the Randomness said...

congratulations on friday! i bet you are so anxious. i'm very happy for you that your family is all back together right in time.

Jessica said...

Im so happy for you that Jeremy is home and that Jackson will make his debut Friday!! Adam and I will come see you guys Saturday or Sunday :) Cant wait to meet the new lil one!!