Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Reality Check

My appointment today went well, I guess. I am really wondering how big Jackson is going to be. We are measuring at 43 cm now (43 weeks) and I am only 37 weeks. The doctor said the amniotic fluid was good, but not too much and that the measurement is all baby so it is pretty accurate. What in the world?! I am not dilated at all and although he is low, his head isn't low enough. She thinks that even if we waited it out we would still have to do a c-section. So Monday I am picking Jeremy up at the airport and I have an OB appointment immediately afterwards to check for changes and to set a date for a scheduled c-section. She said either later next week or early the next (so March 19th, 20th, or 23rd) we will have the baby! I don't think we could have planned this any better. I am scared of the surgery but trying not to think about it too much. On the show, a Baby Story, they always act like a c-section is the end of the world so I think I'm going to quit watching. I do like the fact that we can plan the date and be prepared and I don't have to go through labor! I know the recovery time is worse but that is ok, he is a big boy and I agree with the doctor's decision!


Becca said...

Congrats! The end is near! My recovery from the c-section was quite a bit easier at first, although it lasted longer, than Kyla's delivery, so don't worry about it TOO much :)

Anonymous said...



Ashley Scott...Oh the Randomness said...

Wow and congratulations! At least now you will know for sure what day you will have him. I pray that everything will go great, and while a c-section wasn't your first pick, I hear its not that bad.

Jessica said...

We're so excited for you guys!!! :)