Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mad Tea Party

So last weekend we had a little Alice in Wonderland themed party/shower at Autumn's house! She and Torri did an awesome job of putting everything together I was so surprised at all the detail and thought behind everything! I LOVE Alice in Wonderland and Mad Hatter stuff, so when I got there I was so SERIOUSLY touched. It was the 4 of us (like we usually do once a month) and we had a great time. Thank you girls so much for everything, I am so lucky to have you!
(Below: Autumn, Me Torri and Jana)

Our awesome set up

The menu with themed items, love it!
Place settings even!
These were so pretty and good!
These were so good too, chocolate cups with filling. I believe they were called Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum Cups.
I can't wait to see Jackson running around with his little take along Bible
Then things turned ugly! I got to feeling really hot and sick and dizzy and tired and swollen. Jana and Autumn almost had to take me home (so sweet). Anyway, I finally felt like driving home and did. What a great night we had though, thanks again ya'll!
Me and my babies, they are so sweet. Constant cuddlers and always making me feel better.
Chloe girl striking a pose

Well I have been in and out of the doctor's office this week, mostly because we have a big baby on our hands! I went in on Monday for my 36 week appointment and the doctor realized that my stomach is measuring 40 cm (40 weeks) so she sent me in for an ultrasound on Tuesday. I have obviously been having some swelling issues but no blood pressure problems, so they want me to try to make it at least to 38 weeks. The ultrasound estimated his weight this week at 7 lbs 13 oz give or take a pound, my stomach is all baby. I go in again on Tuesday for my next appointment, but until then I am on bed rest.

Jeremy is great out in Hawaii, taking care of so many things at once! All in a week he has found us a house and a car. He moves in this weekend and already has the car (Ford 500, I really like it from what I know!) I hope he gets some help because we had quite a bit of stuff in storage. Then next week he will be looking for a bed for us and a couple more necessities. Then he will be home shortly after that! THEN Jackson can make his debut, hopefully he will hold off until his daddy gets here :) This month is huge for our family!

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