Friday, October 30, 2009

Lets See if I Can Stay Caught Up Now!

Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't put any pictures up since we have been here. I have gotten to the desktop several times to upload pictures but something is always happening! Well Kentucky is pretty good so far. I am homesick for sure, but it feels more like home than Hawaii did to me at first. Jeremy says he likes the people he works with, but he will be busy at times as the basic trainees come and go (since Fort Knox is a training post and they have 9 week cycles). I like our house it is cozy. We actually have space in our living room for both couches, both love seats, coffee table, 2 end tables, and a tv stand/tv. I am really surprised because I didn't know what we were going to do with our extra couch...not the sleeper sofa we got in Hawaii but the extra couch they gave us with the furniture we ordered in Hawaii haha! When our furniture was shipped to Kentucky we had 4 couches and 2 love seats. We got rid of one couch. So anyway Jeremy got the tv stand put together tonight and we were talking about how we hoped it would take Jackson awhile to discover the doors, I think it took him about 3 minutes.
So funny! I wonder what he will think of the tv? It gets here Wednesday and I'm hoping we can keep him away from it. We may have to fence it in! Last night we bought a baby gate at Target and it has been very helpful today. The living room is mostly baby proof now, so it has made it easier for me to get things done. Don't worry mom I'm just talking about grabbing clothes to fold or getting something to drink not running to the store. He is never left unattended for very long at all! Maybe 20 seconds or something, and Chloe helps me out anyway :)She has been so good with Jackson. Today he yanked on her ears twice before I could stop him and all she did was yelp (poor girl). She didn't snap at him or anything. She stays pretty close by his side. Jackson is into everything he can get into. He crawls at lightning speed and feeding him in restaurants is getting to be a problem...he is such a loud, vocal eater. Every bite we gave him he squealed until it hit his mouth and then he said "ummmmm" really loud. Every bite! People were looking at us at another table, they had kids but she was still giving me a bad look. At this point he really doesn't understand how to be quiet no matter how hard we try to get him to. I guess we will be doing takeout from now on!

So these pictures are from the week before we left and also since we have been here in Kentucky. We got Jackson a santa hat and realized it was pretty much too small already, so we went ahead and got some santa pictures, Merry Christmas 2 months early!

You aren't putting these online are you momma?

Nap time before Target
I love the tree in front of the house across the street

I love the golden leaves

Not the best pics because we took them going down the road, but this is down the road from us.

He is standing really well

Our neighbors cats like to come over and they drive Chloe crazy! Here is a good action shot :)

Big boy at the table, He is on level 2 and 3 baby food
I took this pic while driving, really safe! But we were sitting still in construction. Anyway, this is a view of an old bridge by the Ohio river. Those trees are in Indiana. I never realized how close we were to Indiana.

Helping unpack after his bath

Chloe is ready to go back to Arkansas I think

Daddy's first lunch break with us at home, Jack was surprised

She likes the backyard, especially when she can chase cats

Snuggle Buddies!

Grandpa and Jack walking the day he left

Jackson and Peepaw

Mamaw and Papaw Louis
Papaw Shoptaw and Rosie

Our 5 Generation Pic again, with Jackson a little bigger and easier to see :)

Jack exploring with Aunt Joan

I will have a few pictures soon of a little punkin!


Jessica said...

Love all the new pics! The trees in KY are sooo pretty!!

Anonymous said...

He is getting so big! I am glad that you like Kentucky! Your dog Chole is just so cute. I love that picture of Jackson, and her sleeping on you.

Terri said...

This is Terri Hatcher by the way!

Terri said...

I also left the anonymous comment too!

Anonymous said...
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