Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Appointment Today....

It went really well! The heartbeat was 147 this time (last time it was 163). She said anything above 120 is good and it will fluctuate. They drew blood to test for birth defects and I will hear back from them probably Monday or Tuesday.I got a flu shot too. We made the ultrasound appointment to find out the gender! The countdown is on until Halloween. I was right on about that appointment estimate...lets see if I can guess the delivery date....yeah right! My due date is March 31st instead of April 1st. Originally I thought April 1st because the baby measured one day behind and the ultrasound said April 1st. I figure it will probably be in April when the baby gets here anyway. Who knows. So we have 2 weeks before the big boy/girl day. We are SO EXCITED!
My prediction:
pregnancy Pictures, Images and Photos
So I debated on putting this video up but I guess I will. Grandma taped the heartbeat today at my appointment. Dr. Hubach said no way about being on tape ( I think she was kidding) and I told grandma just to get close to the Doppler so she could hear the view is of my hand but you can really hear the thump! You may be able to hear some of the conversation during the clip, basically she said that the baby moved around right in the middle of us listening to the heartbeat, so she had to find the baby again. It was really weird! I am so glad that today's technology is allowing Jeremy to experience all of these moments that you would never think would be possible. So here is our little thumper. I wonder how many times Jeremy will listen to this....

Thank you grandma for taping this! You did a great job!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

That is so awesome! And for the record I think you are having a boy as well. I have told Adam that from day one :) Cant wait till you find out!!!