Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week 12/Rambling

So this explains why I went from eating broccoli every day to hating it....weird and probably too much info for some!! I'm sorry :)
Because progesterone slows down the digestive tract, which may lead to constipation and indigestion, pregnant women may also instinctively stay away from meats and veggies like broccoli that can be hard to digest, says Dr. Gil Gross, an associate professor of ob/gyn at Washington University in St. Louis.

Anyway, all I know is that my headaches are so annoying! They start at the back of my head at my neck and it just gets worse as time goes by. It makes me sick like a migraine would, but it feels like a tension headache/migraine. I am definitely asking my doctor about this Friday.

Then there is poor Jeremy...he has been so sick! A couple of days I didn't hear from him because he felt too bad to even call. It sounds like there is a really bad flu going around out there. The army will be releasing their point requirements for promotions this month on the 19th. Every month the amount varies. He made a perfect 150 when he went before the board and there are numerous other ways to get points. I think he said the requirement would be between 400 and 600. He has 540 total I think :) I promise I listen, there is just so much to take in! If he makes points, then he will be a Sergeant and he gets a raise on October 1st. Friday we also find out when our big appointment will be to determine the sex of our baby. Mom is going with me Friday to my appointment to video just in case they do another ultrasound or if we get to hear the heartbeat. We are just really looking forward to Friday.

Brian went to The Eagles Concert tonight...lucky!

And lastly, I am halfway through with week 12. Almost to the second trimester woohoo!!

Here is my week 12 update

By now, nearly all of your baby's organs, structures and systems are fully formed. The heart begins pumping several quarts of blood through your baby's body every day. Your baby has also begun to develop nerves and a spinal cord, allowing him to feel some types of pain. While your baby's brain is not the same size it will be at birth, it does have the same structure. Fingers and toes have separated and hair and nails continue to grow. Your baby is approximately 2.5 - 3.5 inches and weighs about 12 - 14 grams.

Also, the external genitals can now show definite signs of male and female gender. Before, Where there was only reflex movement, your baby now moves spontaneously and at random, although his movements are still too slight to be felt. With the use of a Doppler, you may be able to hear your baby's heart beat at this office visit. It will sound very fast, similar to the sound of a running horse’s hooves. Once you hear this sound, you can rest assured that your risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced.

This time next year your baby will be 24 Weeks Old!. Can you believe it? Time flies so fast!

Your Body
While your morning sickness and tiredness may be even less frequent, you may be getting lightheaded or have headaches again. This is from the increase in blood volume. Remember the safety precautions regarding dizziness? Well, those can apply here as well. Be sure to talk about any symptoms or illness you may experience with your health care provider. It is important for you to communicate any concerns, worries, or questions you may have.

Your uterus will begin to shift up and forward as it grows, taking the pressure off the bladder and you'll have fewer trips to the bathroom. But don't get too used to that. It won't be long – in the third trimester - where the baby and uterus will be big enough that it they start pressing on your bladder again. Your placenta has taken over producing your hormones now so you may find yourself with slower, less frequent, less intense mood swings.

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