Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week 14

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the first week of your second trimester. Do you feel like there are butterflies in your tummy? Your baby is moving around and creating little fluttering sensations inside the womb. This is also called quickening. The sensation is sometimes confused with feel like gas. Don't be discouraged if you don't notice Baby moving just yet. Many women don't feel quickening until around week 20.

What's Happening with Your Body

Finally Looking Pregnant
This week you may still be tired and fatigued, although your nausea is probably gone. You may be experiencing some growing pains as your baby belly pushes your internal organs aside. As your stomach loses space, you'll likely have more heartburn, indigestion, and flatulence. You continue to take frequent bathroom breaks as your bladder has less room to expand. Sleeping may become more difficult, too, as your baby bump grows.

Can't stretch your zipper anymore? Your baby bump may finally be making a dent in your wardrobe. If your favorite, snug-fitting jeans are getting a little too tight, you're in need of a shopping spree.

What's Happening with Baby

At 14 weeks your baby is a regular wiggler, Your baby-to-be's face is becoming more distinguishable as his eyes move closer together and his ears move closer to their final positions. He's also growing soft baby hair all over his body, which is thought to help anchor developing skin, as well as forming hair on his eyebrows and scalp. He may hiccup too, even though his lungs are filled with fluid, not air.Your baby is continuing to grow and mature at this point. Your baby’s arms are going to begin to lengthen and be more proportioned to the rest of the body. The liver is beginning to produce bile, while the spleen is beginning to produce red blood cells.

The development of your baby’s brain enables him/her to use his/her facial muscles to grimace, frown, and squint. He/she may even be sucking his/her thumb. Because you have begun the second trimester and most of the critical development has been completed, the chance of miscarriage decreases.*

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