Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Brian's Show, Jeremy Update

Jeremy is still doing good, I'm waiting on him to call me back. He did get a new phone last week so he is easier to hear. If anyone would like more info on phone cards and stuff call me whenever. I didn't hear back from Jeremy yesterday because they had unexpected visitors. I can't really say much about it on here unfortunately but he was in no danger and he had to escort them. He also found out that they won't notify him until the 15th of the month prior to his R&R. So we probably won't be going to Disneyworld. It will be really hard to plan on such notice plus we can save money this way I guess.
Anyway, we have been working a lot! I think we put in almost 40 hours already. I feel bad leaving the dogs alone so much :( Brian had a show in Jonesboro Saturday night and he did good!
This is one song that my camera held out on. ( I need a new camera). You will probably have to go to the bottom of this page and pause the music on the playlist so that you can hear the clip.

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