Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty
You don't even have to donate money, there is place on this link where you just pledge to help prevent animal cruelty. This is my favorite charity, we donate to them and the Petsmart charity. They are both great. If you do decide to donate to the ASPCA, you get a free bracelet and t-shirt! You may have seen the commercials on t.v. for the ASPCA. They feature the Sarah McLachlan song "angel" and have pictures of animals that were rescued from Hurricane Katrina, etc. EVERY TIME this commercial comes on, I am an emotional wreck for about 20 minutes. I can't help it.

I am so sorry I missed your calls today! I went to the doctor after I got off work and he did x-rays. Come to find out, I did fracture my wrist. He took me off work for two weeks, however I am working tomorrow night and Friday night. There is no one else that can work my shifts, so I will be waiting tables with one hand...awesome. The people of Sheridan are (not) that patient, I guess I should just be thankful that I don't have to work another Sunday night. The Sunday crowd is the worst! Last Sunday confirmed this and apparently I'm not over it can you tell? It was that bad.


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