Monday, July 11, 2011

Found Another Lake Today!

Still didn't catch anything. I think our first problem is that we go in the middle of the day, so it is hot and although we have a great time, our patience wears out too fast. Jackson could stay all day though.

 I loved that we had a greeting party when we got out of the car. Ducks are just so cute to me! Jackson wasn't quite sure about them at first. I felt bad because I know they wanted us to feed them, but I didn't have anything. I will next time for sure!

Best one I could get of us

 Jack was so proud that he was out there with Daddy across the water. He kept yelling over at me saying "Look Mommy I way over here!"

 Fascinated momentarily by the giant mushroom.

One thing I love about being a mom, is getting to experience life through his eyes.

I think we will give this lake another try!

We headed over to Auburn since it was only 10 miles away, and I like to explore when we have nowhere to go anyway! I don't know why we don't go over there more often, it is less than 30 miles from our house....maybe because Columbus has everything too and is closer.

 Anyway, we got to drive through some pretty Alabama scenery and then we arrived at Tigertown...where they have so much to do that it would take days to do it all. So with all those choices we chose Target :) I love Target's clearance this time of year, so I was looking for some awesome deals like I found at our Target here. They didn't have much, but we still found some stuff for Jackson. I can't believe that I bought him(Cars!) pajamas today from the little boy section instead of the toddler/baby section. He is technically still in a 3T with some 4T and 5T stuff to grow into a little more, but the pajamas they had over there fit him :( This made me sad a little. I have to keep telling myself that they were missized (6) and that is why they were on clearance to begin with......

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