Sunday, July 10, 2011

Monkey Joes!

So I think I'm back to blogging regularly. Our daily life is probably pretty boring to most, but the reason I do all this anyway is that I love having all our days documented for memories sake!
Drowsy but ready to play!
After we realized a nap wasn't happening yesterday, we headed out to Monkey Joe's for some play time!

I was worried at first, because Jackson wanted nothing to do with any of the bounce houses they had.
All he wanted was to sit in the quarter operated firetruck. I even got in the bouncy things and he wanted me out! So after some begging I crawled on out and gave up....and that is when Jackson decided he was going to be brave. He had a great time from then on! At one point in the beginning, he did yell at another little boy for cutting him off. Shocked me and Jeremy both! I guess I don't have to worry so much about him getting pushed around anymore, but he did get in a little trouble (by us) for yelling at him. It really caught me off guard. He was a good boy the rest of the time though. I don't think he even realized what he did, because he was talking to me and saying "no way" about climbing in and the little boy caught him off guard as he was telling me no.

Blurry, but this is when he realized I saw him having fun and was embarrassed :)

Turning around to head back to the little monkey play area. Too many big hyper kids trying to run him over!

"Mommy hold you?"

After playing we went down to a little country restaurant in the same shopping center. Jackson loves fountains and waterfalls so he was pleased to come across this one. He asked for a couple "minnies" (a cross between money and pennies) to throw in the water.  Back in April when Poppy (my Dad) came to town, he introduced Jackson to making wishes in fountains while we were at the Cheesecake Factory in Atlanta...and he hasn't forgotten since! 

He enjoyed his country buffet! It was a different little place, but it was good. Jack was most interested in the biscuits. Actually for the past week, when we ask Jack what he wants for dinner he says biscuits ha! After he ate, he told Jeremy he needed to go to sleep. That is rare for him!

Next we went over to the snow cone place! I was so happy that we finally got to go to this little stand. I always thought it was so cute but it was never the right time. Anyway Jackson requested a Dora popsicle that was very messy and almost instantly fell off the stick onto the ground :( He wound up sharing mine with me....should have gotten a larger size! I got a Carnival one (pink and blue cotton candy flavor).
Would you believe Jeremy chose "Roll Tide" as his flavor?! It was awesome though.  Black Cherry and coconut.

Sadly, all of my pics are from my iPhone and they are pretty blurry. I just didn't feel like carrying my heavy camera around all day like I usually do.
We came home and got lots from the garden that night! Jack loves helping pick things from the garden.

Next we went for a walk around our neighborhood. We have really been trying to do this more since after Jeremy's surgery we stayed less active.
Little man had fun and we all slept well!

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